četrtek, 11. oktober 2012

Protest v post-YU državah

Zanimiv članek o aktivizmu v postkomunističnih družbah oziroma družbah bivše Jugoslavije. Ugotavljajo, da je družbeni aktivizem v državah bivše Jugoslavije na podobni ravni kot v zahodnih državah EU. Hrvaška, Kosovo in Makedonija pa imajo celo višjo stopnjo protestnega aktivizma. Med protest še štejejo peticije,bojkoti, mirna zborovanja oziroma postavljanje vladajočih elit pod vprašaj.

Is Protest Participation in Post-Yugoslav Countries Motivated by Pro-democratic Political Culture?  
A Cross-National Study 


"In the recent decades protest participation has become most widely accepted and practiced form of citizen engagement in western democracies. Many researchers believe protest participation is crucial for democracy to be consolidated and effective, and previous studies have shown that protest participation is one of the main characteristics of a democratic public. Though protest is on the increase in western democracies, it declined in postcommunist democracies from 1990 to 2000. The bulk of participation research still comes from western countries and less is known about participation patterns of postcommunist and especially post-Yugoslav citizens./..."

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